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Youth Forum

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May I request you to kindly go through our Vision and Mission Statement with your Youth in the family.

We as members, especially in this fast moving world, are required now more than ever to preserve the rich cultural traditions of the DSV clan, and the most appropriate way is through the DSV Youth Forum - a happy mix of all the youth from around the world, carrying forward the baton of the DSV, thru word of mouth, peer groups, Tweets and Facebook are the in thing and the speediest manner of bonding.

I re-emphasise, we want to build a dynamic and vibrant community world wide, with a futuristic eye which can be built by our YOUNGSTERS – Young dynamic Students, professionals, businessmen, preferably upto the age of 45 years who are expected to undertake lot of activities in the near future to give a shape to our vision.

It is my appeal to each of you, to encourage the GenNext in your home and family to visit the following link  and enrol themselves to the DSV Youth Forum .

May Our Tribe Increase!

Navnit  Liladhar Kachalia 